GeeCON - lista wpisów
- - GeeCON Prague 2023: Nikhil Barthwal - Patterns & Practices of Implementing Event-driven MicroSvc..., 21/05/2024
- - GeeCON Prague 2023: Štěpán Šindelář - GraalVM Scripting Languages as Maven Dependencies, 21/05/2024
- - GeeCON 2023: Paweł Marks - The origin of the feature, 19/04/2024
- - GeeCON Prague 2023: Vojtěch Juránek - Feeding the ML model with data from the database, 19/04/2024
- - GeeCON Prague 2023: Jorge Franco - Microservices or not? A dependency management decision, 31/01/2024
- - GeeCON 2023: Daniel Pokusa - Linux terminal for java developers — boost your efficiency!, 22/01/2024
- Wydanie #462 - 08/11/2024
- Wydanie #461 - 01/11/2024
- Wydanie #460 - 25/10/2024
- Wydanie #459 - 11/10/2024
- Wydanie #458 - 04/10/2024
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