Allegro Tech - lista wpisów
- - Automating Code Migrations at Scale, 10/09/2024
- - Accelerate test execution in Groovy and Spock, 04/09/2024
- - How to get back to programming after a more than 1.5 year gap - subjective thoughts and tips, 26/08/2024
- - The noisy JIT Compiler, 26/07/2024
- - BPMN: The Key to Understanding Business Processes, 16/07/2024
- - A Mission to Cost-Effectiveness: Reducing the cost of a single Google Cloud Dataflow Pipeline by Over 60%, 20/06/2024
- - REST service client: design, testing, monitoring, 04/06/2024
- - Ten Years and Counting: My Affair with Microservices, 12/04/2024
- - Tired of repetitive tasks?! Go for RPA!, 20/02/2024
- - Don’t bother: it is only a little expired, 12/02/2024
- Wydanie #457 - 13/09/2024
- Wydanie #456 - 06/09/2024
- Wydanie #455 - 30/08/2024
- Wydanie #454 - 23/08/2024
- Wydanie #453 - 16/08/2024
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