Michał Kowalski - lista wpisów
- - The trap of testing simple orchestration, 17/01/2024
- - Spoiled but enlightened, 07/12/2023
- - Kotlin 'equals ignoring fields' using data classes, 28/11/2023
- - Is 21 the new Java 8?, 03/10/2023
- - Centralizing the decision-making, 24/08/2023
- - Content is king, I'm still Mike - blog revamp, 16/08/2023
- - 10 years of software development, 12/07/2023
- - Introducing JUnit 5 FormattedSource, 03/05/2023
- - A simple pattern to keep your business logic together, 30/03/2023
- - Squashing DB migrations using Testcontainers, 01/02/2023
- - Gazing into a crystal ball - my predictions for 2023, 30/12/2022
- - What happens when you only limit the maximum heap size?, 15/11/2022
- - JSON, Kafka, and the need for schema, 11/07/2022
- Wydanie #456 - 06/09/2024
- Wydanie #455 - 30/08/2024
- Wydanie #454 - 23/08/2024
- Wydanie #453 - 16/08/2024
- Wydanie #452 - 09/08/2024
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