Tomasz Fijałkowski - lista wpisów
- - 10 Practical ArchUnit Tests for Spring Applications, 13/06/2024
- - The Mandelbrot nature of modularization, 21/04/2024
- - Modularization and Architecture Testing, 07/03/2024
- - The Dark Sides of the Open-Closed Principle, 25/01/2024
- - Mental Monolith: End-to-End Tests, 30/11/2023
- - Documentation is not a Requirement, 29/06/2023
- - Additional Checks in Checkstyle, 13/10/2022
- - About How Introducing Clean Code Tripled Memory Usage, 10/03/2022
- - Metrics as Public Variables, Is it Bad?, 10/02/2022
- - About LocalDateTime Locality, 27/08/2020
- - Remote Work Patterns, 06/06/2019
- - Why scrum is passé?, 26/09/2018
- - The controversy of a Optional, 19/08/2018
- Wydanie #456 - 06/09/2024
- Wydanie #455 - 30/08/2024
- Wydanie #454 - 23/08/2024
- Wydanie #453 - 16/08/2024
- Wydanie #452 - 09/08/2024
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