Wydanie #325
Wpisy programistów
TOP 10 najczęściej czytanych artykułów w 2021 by Bartłomiej Chmielewski
Discover Adobe Experience Manager Instances on The Internet by Dawid Pura
Nauczyłem się Springa i co dalej? – Vlog 07 by Mateusz Dąbrowski
JUnit 5: DynamicTest i czytelne testy o jasnej strukturze by Piotr Kubowicz
Kalendarz adwentowy LEGO Marvel Avengers (76196) w obiektywie by Piotr Prądzyński
Link Dump #19 by Sebastian Malaca
Git fetch vs. pull | Git fetch, git pull by Tomasz Woliński
Git pull request, GitHub pull request by Tomasz Woliński
#65: Zero Downtime deployment by Tomek Nurkiewicz
Wpisy z blogów firmowych
Shrinking the size of a monorepo by Allegro Tech
Czwartki z programowaniem: Podstawy Kotlina by BulldogJob
Co trzeba wiedzieć, by zostać Cloud Engineerem? Wywiad z Jarkiem Śmiejczakiem by JustJoinIT
Nielimitowany urlop. Hit czy kit? Zalety i wady nowego trendu na rynku pracy by NoFluffJobs
JVM Tuesday vol. 71 – Project Valhalla, Micronaut ♥️ Gradle, Fault Tolerance by Vived
Nowe podcasty
#65: Zero Downtime deployment: If it hurts, do it more often by Around IT In 256 Seconds
#65: Zero Downtime deployment by Around IT In 256 Seconds
29. Domain Driven Design Essentials: Domain Service by Better Software Design
"Functional Programming for Mortals with #Scalaz" Review by DevInsideYou
How to install #Scala3 by DevInsideYou
Tools exist for a reason. Use them! by DevInsideYou
Happy 2022! (SPFS #6) by Jakub Kozłowski
Nowe prezentacje
Victor Rentea - A Clean, Pragmatic Architecture by Developers World Academy
How to migrate legacy projects - Ask Me Anything session with Venkat Subramaniam [3/10] by Developers World Academy
Tips for live coding - Ask Me Anything session with Venkat Subramaniam [4/10] by Developers World Academy
Automating your development experience with Atomist – Lieven Doclo by Devoxx Poland
Building a DSL with GraalVM – Maarten Mulders by Devoxx Poland
Best practices from agile development - Why is positive thinking so important for – André Grunow by Devoxx Poland
Coroutines and Reactive Programming - friends or foes – Konrad Kamiński by Devoxx Poland
Centralized Logging Patterns – Philipp Krenn by Devoxx Poland
Controlling drones with JavaScript – Jasper Schulte by Devoxx Poland
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