Announcing Krush 1.0

You may know Nussknacker, which is our open-source tool for scenario authoring, but we have a bunch of other projects we want to share with the community. One of these is Krush, which is our attempt to solve data access in Kotlin using the Exposed framework underneath. It is now 3 years in development and is mostly feature-complete, so we decided that this could be a good time to release the 1.0 version. 🎉🎉🎉

yeah, nussknacker is cool, but have you heard of krush?

This release is mostly infrastructure-centric, we introduced support for Kotlin 1.7 and switched our build scripts to Kotlin Gradle. You can read more details in the Changelog.

In case you want to give it a try, a good resource could be project’s README, an introductory post from our blog and some example
repositories if you’d prefer to just dig into code.

Let us know about your thoughts on GitHub or ping us on Twitter!

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