Friday, February 10, 2023

Link Dump #74

This is really great to know that even if you would read all day long there is always something more worth to read:

  1. Software Development
    1. Stream Big, Think Bigger: Analyze Streaming Data at Scale
      With the right tools in place, people can instantly compare what’s happening now to what happened in the past, triage problems as they occur and make time-sensitive decisions in the moment.
    2. Improving the customer’s experience via ML-driven payment routing
      How LinkedIn replaced the existing rule-based approach with an ML-driven engine to optimize for payment approval rates to create a more optimal customer experience?
    3. Being agile does not mean you can defocus #PickOfTheWeek
      How we balance product strategy with different opportunities.
  2. Testing
    1. Introduction to Spies #PickOfTheWeek
      What the spy is and where it is worth to use it?
    2. Generate Unit Test Data in Java Using Instancio
      Instancio can help you generate unit test data by creating fully-populated objects.
  3. Frameworks and Libraries
    1. Ahead of Time Optimizations in Spring 6
      Spring 6 comes with a new feature that promises to optimize the performance of applications: Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation support.
    2. Demystifying Transactions and Exceptions with Spring
      Deep-dive into the basic concept of a transaction and the concepts of transaction management.
    3. Memory Types in JVM
      In order to ensure the performance and stability of our applications, it's helpful to understand the memory types in the JVM.
  4. Leadership
    1. When Everyone Leads the Toughest Challenges Get Seen and Solved #PickOfTheWeek
      No one leads everywhere, so we need everyone leading somewhere. Major change occurs because enough people, in different spheres, lead where they have influence.
    2. Not To Make People Happy
      Should you be focused on happiness, engagement or something else?
    3. Three Questions
      Do you know how to build a working relationship as a manager?
  5. Agile
    1. Be a Great Product Owner: Six Things Teams and Scrum Masters Need #PickOfTheWeek
      Six things effective product owners must give to the various people they serve: Availability, Vision, Collaboration, High Expectations, Priorities & Flexibility, and Storytelling.

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