Friday, November 12, 2021

Link Dump #12

 Another great week is almost over. Now's time for the coffee and something worth to read:
  1. Software Development
    1. Feature Flags with Spring Boot
      Article explains what feature flag is and how to implement it in better way than simple if-else.
    2. Comparison of Java HTTP Clients
      Learn what are the differences between HttpClient included from Java 11, Apache HTTPClient from Apache HttpComponents, OkHttpClient from Square and Spring WebClient.
    3. Design Patterns for Machine Learning Pipelines
      Article describes how ML pipeline design patterns changed, what processes they went through, and their future direction.
  2. Clean Code
    1. Why EventStorming practitioners should try Domain Storytelling
      Understanding a business domain is not easy so it is worth to be familiar with many various tools and techniques that help us to gain this understanding. Article gives a brief overview of one of it - Domain Storytelling.
  3. Software Architecture
    1. The RED method: A new strategy for monitoring microservices
      Let's see how RED (rate, error, and duration) metrics can get a solid understanding of how your services are performing for end-users.
    2. How Do You Change a Never-Ending Query?
      If every node in a query topology is updated one by one, but the query never stops processing, is it still the same query?
    3. 4 Key Design Principles and Guarantees of Streaming Databases
      Summary of a few challenging design principles for modern streaming databases.
  4. Language, Frameworks and Libraries
    1. Guide to Garbage Collector Roots
      Short articles that reminds what is the defnition and types of GC roots
    2. New Features in Java 17
      What's in the Java SE 17 – the new features and the changes in its release process, LTS support, and licenses.
  5. Testing
    1. JUnit 5 @ParameterizedTest
      Junit 5 @ParameterizedTest annotation is very helpful in writing tests that must be invoked multiple times but with different arguments to test.
    2. JUnit 5 @TempDir – Temporary Directory Support
      Article shows how @TempDir annotation can be used to supply a temporary directory to the test method or lifecycle methods.
  6. Productivity & Growth
    1. Programmers, You Should Say No More Often
      Learning to say no is an integral part of any successful career, and software development is no different.
    2. Make Learning a Part of Your Daily Routine
      The ability to unlearn, learn, and relearn is vital for long-term success. The authors present several techniques and tools to help you make learning part of your day-to-day development.
  7. Leadership
    1. How to choose a dynamic self development goal
      Steps to help you decide what you should develop first. Because the first development is self-development.
    2. Creating ethical product principles
      It’s a challenging task to not only focus on revenue, but on the welfare of users. However, this approach should be supported and championed.
  8. Agile
    1. One Best Way - Continuous Improvement in Software Engineering
      Continuous Improvement helps you to create culture where failure is harder than success.
    2. The Five Possible Estimates And Which One Your Team Should Use
      Estimating is difficult. Advices from the article can help you understand how to do it better and get more information out of it.
  9. Fun
    1. Acronyms #cicd

Do you want more?
  1. Clean Architecture online course (Polish) - I show practial usage of Hexagonal Architecture, Domain-Driven Design, Test-Driven Development and many, many more.

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