Kafka Transactions with Spring Boot

Kafka Transactions with Spring Boot

In this article, you will learn how to use Kafka transactions with the Spring Kafka project in your Spring Boot app. In order to run the Kafka cluster we will use Upstash. This article provides a basic introduction to Kafka transactions. If you are looking for more advanced usage and scenarios you may refer to that article, about distributed transactions in microservices. You can also read more about Kafka Streams the Spring Cloud Stream project in this article.

Source Code

If you would like to try it by yourself, you may always take a look at my source code. In order to do that you need to clone my GitHub repository. After that, you should just follow my instructions. Let’s begin.

Getting Started with Kafka in Spring Boot

I have already created a Kafka cluster on Upstash using a web dashboard. All the connection credentials are generated automatically. You can find and copy them on the main page of your cluster.

Assuming we have a username as the KAFKA_USER variable and a password as the KAFKA_PASS variable we need to provide the following Spring configuration in the application.yml file:

  application.name: transactions-service
    bootstrap-servers: inviting-camel-5620-eu1-kafka.upstash.io:9092
      security.protocol: SASL_SSL
      sasl.mechanism: SCRAM-SHA-256
      sasl.jaas.config: org.apache.kafka.common.security.scram.ScramLoginModule required username="${KAFKA_USER}" password="${KAFKA_PASS}";

Here’s a list of required dependencies. Since we exchange JSON messages, we need the Jackson library for serialization or deserialization. Of course, we also need to include Spring Boot starter and Spring Kafka.


The transactions-service is generating and sending orders. We will create the test topic transactions on the app startup.

public class TransactionsService {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      SpringApplication.run(TransactionsService.class, args);

   public NewTopic transactionsTopic() {
      return TopicBuilder.name("transactions")


Enabling Kafka Transactions in Spring Boot

In Kafka, a producer initiates a transaction by making a request to the transaction coordinator. You can find a detailed description of that process in the following article on the Confluent blog.

With Spring Boot, we just need to set the spring.kafka.producer.transaction-id-prefix property to enable transactions. Spring Boot will do the rest by automatically configuring a KafkaTransactionManager bean and wiring it into the listener container. Here’s a part of the configuration responsible for the message producer. We use JsonSerializer to serialize data from objects into JSON. Transactions prefix is tx-.

      key-serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.LongSerializer
      value-serializer: org.springframework.kafka.support.serializer.JsonSerializer
      transaction-id-prefix: tx-

During our scenario, we will send 10 messages within a single transaction. In order to observe logs on the consumer side we set a delay between subsequent attempts to 1 second.

public void generateAndSendPackage() 
      throws InterruptedException, TransactionException {
   for (long i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      Order t = new Order(id++, i+1, i+2, 1000, "NEW");
      ListenableFuture<SendResult<Long, Order>> result =
         kafkaTemplate.send("transactions", t.getId(), t);

Enable Transactions on the Kafka Consumer Side

In the first step, we will just print the incoming messages. We need to annotate the listener method with the @KafkaListener. The target topic is transactions, and the consumer group is a. Also, we have to add the @Transactional annotation to enable transaction support for the listen method.

public class TransactionsListener {

   private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory

          id = "transactions",
          topics = "transactions",
          containerGroup = "a",
          concurrency = "3")
   public void listen(Order order) {
      LOG.info("{}", order);

Let’s run the producer app first. To do go to the transactions-service directory and execute the command mvn spring-boot:run. It is a good idea to enable more detailed logs for Spring Kafka transactions. To do that add the following line to the application.yml file:

    org.springframework.transaction: trace
    org.springframework.kafka.transaction: debug

After that, let’s run the consumer app. In order to that go to the accounts-service directory and run the same command as before. You should see the following topic created in the Upstash console:


The transactions-service app exposes the REST endpoint for sending messages. It just starts that procedure of generating and sending 10 messages within a single transaction I mentioned in the previous section. Let’s call the endpoint:

$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/transactions

Let’s see at the logs on the producer side. After sending all the messages it committed the transaction.


Now, let’s see how it looks on the consumer side. All the messages are received just after being sent by the producer app. It is not something that we expected…

In order to verify what happened, we need to take a look at the consumer app logs. Here’s a fragment with Kafka consumer settings. As you see, by default Spring Kafka sets the transactions isolation level to read_uncommitted for Spring Boot.

Deep Dive into Transactions with Spring Kafka

In order to solve the problem with transactions from the previous section, we need to change the default isolation level in the application.yml file. As the spring.kafka.consumer.properties we have to set the isolation.level property to read_commited as shown below.

  application.name: accounts-service
      key-deserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.LongDeserializer
      value-deserializer: org.springframework.kafka.support.serializer.JsonDeserializer
        spring.json.trusted.packages: "*"
        isolation.level: read_committed

After that let’s run the accounts-service app once again.

Now, all the messages have been received after the producer committed the transaction. There are three consumer threads as we set the @KafkaListener concurrency parameter to 3.


In the next step, we will test the rollback of transactions on the producer side. In order to do that, we will modify the method for generating and sending orders. Now, the generateAndSendPackage is getting a boolean parameter, that indicates if a transaction should be rollbacked or not.

public void generateAndSendPackage(boolean error)
       throws InterruptedException {
   for (long i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      Order t = new Order(id++, i+1, i+2, 1000, "NEW");
      ListenableFuture<SendResult<Long, Order>> result =
            kafkaTemplate.send("transactions", t.getId(), t);
      if (error && i > 5)
         throw new RuntimeException();

Here are the logs from our test. After sending six orders the method throws a RuntimeException and Spring rollbacks a transaction. As expected, the consumer app does not receive any messages.

It is important to know that Spring rollbacks are only on unchecked exceptions by default. To rollback checked exceptions, we need to specify the rollbackFor on the @Transactional annotation.

The transactional producer sends messages to the Kafka cluster even before committing the transaction. You could see it in the previous section, where the listener was continuously receiving messages if the isolation level was read_uncommited. Consequently, if we roll back a transaction on the producer side the message sent before rollback occurs come to the Kafka broker. We can see it e.g. in the Upstash live message view for the transactions topic.


Here’s the current value of offsets for all partitions in the transactions topic for the a consumer group. We made a successful commit after sending the first package of 10 messages and we rollbacked the transaction with the second package. The sum of offsets is 10 in that case. But in fact, it is different that the current latest offset on those partitions.

To verify it, we can, for example, change a consumer group name for the listener to b and start another instance of the accounts-service.

     id = "transactions",
     topics = "transactions",
     containerGroup = "b",
     concurrency = "3")
public void listen(Order order) {
   LOG.info("{}", order);

Here’s the current value of offsets for the b consumer group.

Of course, the messages have been rollbacked. But the important thing to understand here is that these operations happen on the Kafka broker side. The transaction coordinator changes the values of Kafka offsets. We can easily verify that consumer won’t receive messages after rollback even if we the initial offset to the earliest with the spring.kafka.consumer.auto-offset-reset property.

Add Database

In this section, we will extend our scenario with new functionalities. Our app will store the status of orders in the database. Just for demo purposes, we will use an in-memory database H2. There are two dependencies required in this scenario: H2 and Spring Data JPA.


There the OrderGroup entity that stores the current status of the package (SENT, CONFIRMED, ROLLBACK), the total number of orders in the single package, and the total number of processed orders by the accounts-service.

public class OrderGroup {

   @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
   private Long id;
   private String status;
   private int totalNoOfOrders;
   private int processedNoOfOrders;


In order to manage the entity we use the Spring Data repository pattern:

public interface OrderGroupRepository extends 
   CrudRepository<OrderGroup, Long> {

We will also include a database in the accounts-service app. When it processes the incoming orders it performs transfers between the source and target account. It will store the account balance in the database.

public class Account {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;
    private int balance;


The same as before there is a repository bean for managing the Account entity.

public interface AccountRepository extends
   CrudRepository<Account, Long> {

We also need to modify the Order message exchanged between the apps. It has to contain the groupId field for processing confirmations.

public class Order {

    private Long id;
    private Long sourceAccountId;
    private Long targetAccountId;
    private int amount;
    private String status;
    private Long groupId;


Here’s the diagram that illustrates our architecture for the described scenario.


Handling Transactions Across Multiple Resources

After including Spring Data JPA there are two registered TransactionManager beans with names transactionManager and kafkaTransactionManager. Therefore we need to choose the name of the transaction manager inside the @Transactional annotation. In the first step, we add a new entity to the database. The primary key id is auto-generated in the database and then returned to the object. After that, we get groupId and generate the sequence of orders within that group. Of course, both operations (save to database, sent to Kafka) are part of the same transaction.

public void sendOrderGroup(boolean error) throws InterruptedException {
   OrderGroup og = repository.save(new OrderGroup("SENT", 10, 0));
   generateAndSendPackage(error, og.getId());

private void generateAndSendPackage(boolean error, Long groupId)
      throws InterruptedException {
   for (long i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      Order o = new Order(id++, i+1, i+2, 1000, "NEW", groupId);
      ListenableFuture<SendResult<Long, Order>> result =
         kafkaTemplate.send("transactions", o.getId(), o);
      if (error && i > 5)
         throw new RuntimeException();

The accounts-service app listens for incoming orders. It is processing every single order in a separate transaction. It checks if sufficient funds are in the customer account to make a transfer. If there is enough money, it performs a transfer. Finally, it sends the response to transactions-service with the transaction status. The message is sent to the orders topic.

   id = "transactions",
   topics = "transactions",
   groupId = "a",
   concurrency = "3")
public void listen(Order order) {
   LOG.info("Received: {}", order);

private void process(Order order) {
   Account accountSource = repository
   Account accountTarget = repository
   if (accountSource.getBalance() >= order.getAmount()) {
      accountSource.setBalance(accountSource.getBalance() - order.getAmount());
      accountTarget.setBalance(accountTarget.getBalance() + order.getAmount());
   } else {
   LOG.info("After processing: {}", order);
   kafkaTemplate.send("orders", order.getId(), order);

The transactions-service listens for order confirmations on the orders topic. Once it receives the message it increases the number of processed orders within an order group and stores the current result in the database. We should use a default Spring transaction manager since we don’t send any messages to Kafka.

      id = "orders",
      topics = "orders",
      groupId = "a",
      concurrency = "3")
public void listen(Order order) {
   LOG.info("{}", order);
   OrderGroup og = repository
   if (order.getStatus().equals("PROCESSED")) {      
      og.setProcessedNoOfOrders(og.getProcessedNoOfOrders() + 1);
      og = repository.save(og);
      LOG.info("Current: {}", og);

Don’t forget to lock the OrderGroup record during the transaction. Since we are processing messages concurrently (with 3 threads) we need to lock the OrderGroup record until we update the value of processedNoOfOrders column:

public interface OrderGroupRepository extends
        CrudRepository<OrderGroup, Long> {

    Optional<OrderGroup> findById(Long groupId);

Let’s test a positive scenario. We will generate a group of orders that should be confirmed. To do that let’s call our endpoint POST /transactions:

$ curl -X 'POST' 'http://localhost:8080/transactions' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d 'false'

Here are the logs from the accounts-service app:

We can also take at the logs generated by the transactions-service app:

Finally, we can verify the current status of our order group by calling the following endpoint:

$ curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/transactions'

What happens if we roll back the transaction? Try it by yourself with the following command:

$ curl -X 'POST' 'http://localhost:8080/transactions' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d 'true'

Final Thoughts

You can easily handle Kafka transactions with Spring Boot using the Spring Kafka project. You can integrate your app with a database and handle transactions across multiple resources. However, one thing needs to be clarified – Kafka does not support XA transactions. It may result in data inconsistency. Spring does not solve that case, it just performs two transactions in the background. When the @Transactional method exits, Spring Boot will commit the database transactions first and then the Kafka transactions. You can just change that order to enable Kafka transaction commit first by configuring the outer method configured to use the DataSourceTransactionManager, and the inner method to use the KafkaTransactionManager.

Can we solve that case somehow? Of course. There is, for example, project Debezium that allows you to stream database changes into Kafka topics. With that approach, you can just commit changes in the database, and then configure Debezium to send events with changes to Kafka. For more details about that tool and outbox pattern please refer to the article available here.


comments user
Nikolaj Hansen

Or you could use JMS, which does support XA transactions.

Very nice article.

    comments user


comments user

Failed to start bean ‘org.springframework.kafka.config.internalKafkaListenerEndpointRegistry’; nested exception is org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException: Failed to construct kafka consumer
please help me fix this error. Thanks.

    comments user

    Can you paste the whole stack trace? Did you create an instance of Kafka and provide connection settings in the app?

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Gaurav Khanna

The information on XA transactions and the way to get around it is very helpful

    comments user


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